It's television season premiere time! I haven't spent all that much time choosing new shows to watch this year, mainly because I'm already carrying over some from last season that conflict with each other as it is.
Last week my husband and I watched the series premiere of "Bones." We wanted to like it. We like David Boreanaz. We like cop shows (well, I do). We sat passively as one absurd thing after another took place onscreen. I mean, since when do law enforcement agencies have 3D holographic image projectors? Then there was the interminable scene at a firing range where the main characters were standing WAY! TOO! CLOSE! for no reason that I could determine. Eventually my husband looked over at me and said, "This is not holding my interest in any way."
I couldn't argue. It's off our list.
I've also given up on "Rome" already. Sure, it's typically well done HBO fare, but I can't keep track of who everyone is and I don't think I care enough to try harder. Of course, there's a chance I may be hooked already and in denial. That happened with "Carnivale" - I tried to stop watching and couldn't.
I've heard that "Supernatural" is good, but I haven't had a chance to check it out. I'll also give "My Name is Earl" and "Everybody Hates Chris" a shot, thanks to early critical acclaim. I just set up the TiVo to get David Spade's new show. Is there anything on the new schedule I'm missing out on? Or should I just peel myself off the couch and spend some time outside?