I'm snagging this meme from Florinda.
50 Random Questions
1. What color is your toothbrush?
Orange and white
2. Name one person who made you smile today:
3. What were you doing at 8am this morning?
Sitting at my desk drinking coffee and getting started with the day's work.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Playing fetch with Trillian
5. What is your favorite candy bar?
100 Grand (that is, until they made them so very tiny)
6. Have you ever been to a strip club?
No, but one of the nightclubs I used to go to in the late '80s had male strippers before the bands went on.
7. What is the last thing you said aloud?
"Do you want me to go rent a movie?"
8. What is your favorite ice cream?
Mint chocolate chip
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
10. Do you like your wallet?
It's okay.
11 What was the last thing you ate?
Peanut Butter Noodles (with added cilantro)
12. Have you bought any new clothing items this week?
13. The last sporting event you watched?
I have no idea.
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
I'm a big kettle corn fan.
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to?
My sister, I think.
16. Ever go camping?
Yes, and I'm looking forward to my next camping opportunity so I can use the new tent I bought a few years ago.
17. Do you take vitamins daily?
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?
19. Do you have a tan?
No, I have the opposite of a tan.
20. Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza?
I like the both equally.
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?
I almost never drink soda, but if I do drink it, it usually is not through a straw.
22. What did your last text message say?
I don't know and I don't feel like going down and digging my phone out of my purse to find out.
23. What are you doing tomorrow?
Going to Coffee Morning, going to work, having lunch with friends, going to the chiropractor and making dinner.
25. Look to your left, what do you see?
My messy desk and bookcase.
26. What color is your watch?
I have a bunch of watches, but I never wear any of them.
27. What do you think of when you hear Australia?
Crocodiles, wallabies, poisonous spiders, Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman.
29. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
I try to avoid fast food places, but the main reason I'll go to one is for the convenience of the drive-thru.
30. What is your favorite number?
31. Who's the last person you talked to on the phone?
33. How many states have you lived in?
34. Biggest annoyance right now?
Some health issues and insomnia.
35. Last song listened to?
The theme song for "Reno 911," which we watched while we ate dinner.
36.Can you say the alphabet backwards?
Maybe, if I really concentrated.
37. Do you have a maid service clean your house?
Yes, I have a cleaning lady who comes in every other week.
38. Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time?
Black Chuck Taylors
39. Are you jealous of anyone?
Not in any all-consuming, unhealthy way!
40. Is anyone jealous of you?
Not that I'm aware of.
41. Do you love anyone?
42. Do any of your friends have children?
Many of them do, although I have a good-sized group of female friends in my age group who do not.
43. What do you usually do during the day?
I spend the majority of the day at my computer, whether I'm at work or home. I play with the cats, chat with my husband, cook, tidy up, maybe watch some TV.
44. Do you hate anyone that you know right now?
I've said it before, but I like to follow my Great-Aunt Edith's edict, "We don't hate anyone except Hitler and the devil."
45. Do you use the word 'hello' daily?
I inexplicably lean toward "howdy" when greeting people in passing at work.
46. What color is your car?
47. Do you like cats?
No, I LOVE them!
48. Are you thinking about someone right now?
No, I'm mostly thinking about the questions.
49. Have you ever been to Six Flags?
Yes, I have been to Six Flags Over St. Louis
50. How did you get your worst scar?