Last year when Wordle became a big deal, a group of friends of mine on Discord started sharing our scores every day as our proof of life. This year, I decided I was tired of the game, so instead I proposed a daily haiku.
My poetry is as mundane as everything I write on the blog, so I figured as long as I’m writing a little poem every day, I might as well collect them at the end of each month and share them here. I write a lot of them first thing in the morning, which I’m sure you will be able to tell.
Without further ado and with no added context, here is the crop from January.
January 1st:
Greeting the new year
Under piles of warm blankets
Today I will rest
January 2nd:
Cleaning the freezer
So many expired foods
Need better planning
January 3rd:
Back to work today
My password is expired
I might run away
January 4th:
Ridiculous vivid dreams
Really want that dress
January 5th:
Cat just woke me up
Why isn’t it Friday yet?
Need to win lotto
January 6th:
Up extra early
More time with the cats and dog
And the laundry, too
January 7th:
Oven set to low
Spices, sugar, vinegar
Pulled pork for dinner
January 8th:
Memento mori
Was the unexpected theme
Of new Puss in Boots
January 9th:
Crashed with the lights on
So tired, completely dressed
I need more weekend
January 10th:
Snuggly little dog
Giant, purring black kitty
Might go back to sleep
January 11th:
This bag of spinach
NOT thoroughly rinsed as billed
I hope that is mud
January 12th:
Spilled coffee again
My desk is caffeinated
Better than I am
January 13th:
Just one more workday
Until the three-day weekend
My brain needs a rest
January 14th:
Thai yoga massage
Ninety minutes booked today
Ahhh, relaxation
January 15th:
Spent time in nature
Lovely, even with no green
I’ll sleep well tonight
January 16th:
Baked lemon pound cake
Homemade, from scratch, delicious
So suck it, Starbucks
January 17th:
Oh hey, back to work
What did I forget last week?
Gonna find out now
January 18th:
Taught the spouse one game
And now he always wins it
I’m a sore loser
January 19th:
Haven’t sung in years
Going to a jam tonight
Where are my lyrics?
January 20th:
It’s still a workday?
Why am I so damn tired?
Wish I were a cat
January 21st:
A busy day planned
But first I’ll sit and admire
My fancy new rug
January 22nd:
Early to bed and
Early to rise makes for some
Quiet reading time
January 23rd:
Office is so cold
Checked to make sure the windows
Were actually closed
January 24th:
Weather is changing
I don’t need a forecaster
My sinuses know
January 25th:
The perfect snowfall:
Pretty on the tree branches
Not much on the ground
January 26th:
It’s time to get up
But this book is really good
And this dog is warm
January 27th:
It’s RuneQuest day - yay!
Finding my inner sassy
Shapeshifter again
January 28th:
Muffins for breakfast
No real plans for the weekend
Guess I’ll read this book
January 29th:
I cut down a tree
Yesterday so today I
Will relax all day
January 30th:
Little bit sniffly
Swab, swirl, drop, fifteen minutes
Nope, looks like I’m fine
January 31st:
Gas pump soaked my gloves
Flammable laundry is not
A task I wanted