In my last post, I laid out my plan to start tidying one part of my house every week. This is Week 3 (because I started the last week of December) and so far it's going swimmingly.
I was looking forward to this week because the project was to clean out the closet in my bedroom that I use as overflow storage for my kitchen. It holds cleaning supplies, serving ware, small appliances, kitchen tools, special occasion cookware, baking pans, and some odds and ends like canning jars, spray paint and a furniture dolly.
Here's what it looked like to start with:
I mean, it's not HORRIBLE, but it's definitely jumbled and disorganized.
I took everything out and either laid it on my bed, put it on a card table I brought in for the occasion, or set it on the floor outside the closet. I had an empty box ready for useful things that I'll take to a swap with my friends. The next one is coming up in about 10 days and anything that doesn't get claimed will get donated.
I started another box of items to donate to Habitat ReStore - mainly cleaning products that are full or nearly full. I had a lot of carpet cleaners, for example, despite the fact that my home has almost no carpeting.
A few things needed to be thrown away, including the two cartons of oat milk you see on the bottom, left-hand shelf that expired two years ago. I got out a trash bag for those.
Finally, I discovered a very full box of dead compact fluorescent bulbs that I will take to Lowe's for disposal.
The end result:
Voila! Much tidier. I even left room for some storage containers that are currently in use.
I think I'm going to get some baskets to attach to the inside of the right-hand door that I can use for some of the things that are still kind of hanging out in there without a defined spot. That would be good for stuff like the ShopVac attachments you see on the floor to the right and the pile of cleaning rags that are stacked on top of other cleaning supplies on the shelf.
Even without the baskets, it's still in a much better place and it will definitely be easier to find things and put them back after I use them.
One of the best things about this whole project is that most of the tasks are relatively quick and easy. Even today's project took less than 90 minutes.
Now that I have it out of the way, it's time for me to make some pizza dough and bake cookies.
Hope you also had a productive weekend. And if it wasn't productive, I hope it was relaxing and fun!