I got a chance to take advantage of the warmest day of the weekend (low 60s Fahrenheit) and spend the day at the Kansas City Zoo with my nephew and some friends. It was "pumpkin smash" weekend where they give the animals pumpkins to eat/play with and it's become somewhat of a social tradition for us.
The meerkats have always been my favorites because they actually love to eat the pumpkins, but they are off exhibit right now. So, we didn't actually see a lot of pumpkin interaction except among the orangutans and the baboons. But we did get to witness a baboon commotion that the African wild dogs thought was fascinating.
Some construction at the elephant exhibit meant that we did less walking than usual because trams are currently mandatory for getting back and forth to see the African animals. Still, I walked well over four miles and I was TIRED by the end. I keep threatening to start going to the gym and it really does need to happen.
And now you've seen all the photos I took today. I was trying not to take the same ones I take every year and I ended up being more restrained than I meant to be.
It was a very busy weekend, but I enjoyed myself. Now I need to catch up on actual work so I can go to bed when my body clock disagrees with the time change.