I was never much for a set morning routine until I got Toby. As a former cat person, I had no inkling that adding a dog to the household would mean imposing a strict temporal framework that you could set your clock by. Of course, the dog's rigid internal clock has no concept of spring forward/fall back, so we're wrangling over that right now.
Our first wakeup time every day is between four and five a.m. This one is completely dog-driven. He wakes up, crawls out from under the covers and gives himself a good shake. That's my cue to get up, put on my robe and shoes, and take him outside to pee. Then I give him a small treat and we go back to sleep.
Lately I've been tacking on a few extra activities to our first wakeup period for my own benefit. First, I started drinking a pint of water while the dog was eating his treat. Yay for extra hydration!
Then it occurred to me that it would also be a good time to take my B-12 and D vitamin supplements. Monday morning was the first time I remembered and it all worked out well except that when I went back to bed, I had a sudden worry that I'd forgotten to give the dog his morning pill. Then I realized that I hadn't actually fed him his breakfast yet, so all was well.
Toby and I generally wake up for the day between six and seven a.m. I haven't used an alarm clock in years, so sometimes this wakeup is my doing and other times Toby leads because his treat has worn off and he's hungry. All I have to say is, "Do you want your breakfast time?" and he's out of bed like a shot.
He gets his little scoop of dry food with a bonus pill pocket stuffed with half a thyroid pill while I finish waking up.
The rest of the morning is taken up with making a breakfast shake, choosing and packing a frozen or leftover meal to bring to work, and making myself presentable in whatever way is necessary or practical, depending on how much time I have.
The one thing that's missing is some kind of exercise. My goal is to introduce a quick 5- to 7-minute yoga workout or something similar to the early part of the morning. Of course, it will have a lot more involvement from the cats and dog than I would strictly prefer, but that's just the kind of household I live in.
Today I'm up early to bake a cake for a co-worker's birthday and go vote when the polls open. Thanks to the dog's ongoing battle against Central Standard Time, it wasn't too difficult.
What's your morning routine like? Do you have any adjustments in mind to make it work better for you?
If someone would bring me coffee in the morning . . a girl can dream, right?
Thanks for sharing. :)
Posted by: Holley | November 05, 2014 at 12:19 PM