Guess what I'm making for Thanksgiving this year? Restaurant reservations! In fact, that's already done and out of the way. Ahhhh...
However, if YOU are cooking and you could use some help with the basics, please feel free to download my Thanksgiving recipe booklet. It'll walk you through the whole turkey, dressing and gravy thing and also provide recipes for other classic side dishes including:
- Garlic Cheese Ball
- Pomegranate Salsa
- Dinner Rolls
- Fancy Green Bean Casserole
- Cranberry Sauce
- Pumpkin Pie
- Pumpkin Cake Roll
- and much, much more! (as they say)
I'll still be making a pumpkin pie or two despite my refusal to host a dinner this year. Heck, that may happen tonight.
One of these days I'll update the booklet and try my hand at adding nice photos and stuff, but for now it's just plain jane. Which is rather fitting, no?
Photo credit: martha_chapa95