My husband and I both have such hectic schedules that we have to use shared Google Calendars to keep track of each other and figure out when we might be able to hang out together.
Thanks to our lovely TiVo, we can (and often do) save up our favorite TV shows and binge watch them on the rare evenings when we are both home at the same time.
Here is our current list of shows, in order of my desire to watch them:
- Person of Interest
- The Walking Dead (always followed by The Talking Dead)
- Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
- Grimm
- Sleepy Hollow
- Revolution
- Once Upon A Time in Wonderland
- Once Upon A Time (yes, I like the new one better)
I'm sure you can sense the thematic currents here: fairytales, sci-fi, fantasy, post-apocalypse, etc. If it's plausible, I'm not interested.
Person of Interest has been good since the beginning, and even Jim "I Whisper Every Line Like I'm Freakin' Batman" Caviezel proved to have more personality than I would have anticipated. It's also full of interesting female characters and there's even a dog, so why wouldn't I like it?
The Walking Dead has its flaws, but this season seems particularly good in that they're letting some of the characters have a little more personality.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. comes in third. I enjoy the Marvel universe, the show is entertaining, and the movie actor cameos keep me coming back for more, but I'm hoping it steps up the wow factor even more.
Next is Grimm, which is equal parts police procedural and fairytale. It's a little cheesy, but I like it anyway.
Sleepy Hollow could eventually make its way higher up the list. Despite a premise that probably has Washington Irving spinning in his grave (unless he's been placated by the fact that there's a character named Captain Irving), I'm digging the show. The fact that it features a hot British guy doesn't hurt.
Revolution makes it into the next spot. Initially I mostly just watched it because my husband liked it, but it grew on me.
Then there are the two Once Upon A Time shows. They share an over-fondness for green screen and uneven acting, but I'm a sucker for anything with a fairytale theme. Plus, the guy who plays the Knave of Hearts in Once Upon A Time in Wonderland was Tom on Being Human (BBC version - seriously, watch it on Netflix), so I liked it automatically just for that.
That's really about all the TV watching we have time for. Is there anything amazing I'm overlooking that I might be able to catch up on over the holidays?