Today was the day that they feed pumpkins to the zoo animals at the Kansas City Zoo, so I rounded up someone to go with me and spent the late morning and early afternoon there.
The zoo covers a lot of ground but we managed to see almost everything before our feet got tired and we got too hungry for zoo concessions.
Here are some of the photos I took.
Capybaras are my favorite.
The otters were definitely playing to the crowd and they were very cute. However, I can't appreciate their cuteness quite as much now that I know about their dark side.
After several years of penguin-themed fundraisers, there's a big new penguin habitat at the zoo. It was especially fun to watch them swim around underwater.
These birds had a very impressive double nest going. We wondered if they had built it themselves and quickly got our answer when we saw other birds of the same type gathering additional feathers and sticks to add to the pile.
You should be glad there's a fence here, delicious-looking humans.
Naptime at the meerkat habitat.
Are you sure you don't have something tasty you might want to accidentally drop down here?
I haven't been to a zoo in ages ... probably because of my husbands job; we are involved in the Veterinary market, and our trips to see the animals usually involves anesthesia and their backsides. Maybe its time to revisit the fronts.....
Posted by: ravenjanedoh | November 06, 2013 at 01:21 AM