Oh coffee, I just can't let you go!
I have given up coffee more times than I can count, and this latest dietary overhaul was no exception. The acid in coffee skews the body's acid balance, as evidenced by the fact that it often gives me heartburn.
But...but I love coffee so much! It smells good, it tastes good and it gives me a much-needed boost that nothing else quite matches.
So I'll admit it: I've been cheating some. At work when there's a fresh pot brewing and the aroma wafts by, I've been having a half a cup from time to time. And on Thursdays when the CoffeeCakeKC truck comes to my office, well, let's just say they have a pour-over with my name on it. But I've quit drinking it regularly and I definitely miss the productivity boost it once gave me.
Which leads me to this. After one of my band's recent gigs, one of the band members edited together some video clips and although we sounded good, it was obvious that my energy levels were pretty terrible. I remembered feeling kind of sluggish during that show, and seeing the evidence was a wakeup call that I needed to improve my stage presence and move around more.
However, the big question was how was I going to accomplish that? It's possible that a nice green smoothie might do the trick, but it seemed a lot more practical to have a big cup of coffee on the way to the gig.
Last night I got my chance to test that theory. Once I was dressed and made up, I journeyed to Caribou Coffee and picked up a good-sized cup of medium roast. I finished it just as we were getting to the club.
And it worked! I was supercharged through all four sets. I felt more animated than usual and I didn't find myself moving around less toward the end the way I often had, despite the fact that it's always three hours past my usual bedtime by the time we finish playing.
I'll be the first to admit that coffee isn't ideal for a singer. It can dry out your mouth and throat and I believe it did that a bit yesterday. However, I had plenty of water on hand and my singing felt fine.
So I think I may have established a new pre-gig routine. I get to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee and fuel myself up with caffeine to help me connect with the audience and stay charged up on stage. Sounds like a win to me.
Image credit: Natalie Dee
Are you sure it's the coffee causing indigestion? I once had an esophageal ulcer and the doctor tried to blame spices and caffeine. I found out by the process of elimination that fats were the problem: fried foods, oily foods. I do fine eating fatty foods in moderation each day, but when Christmas season comes around, I end up with indigestion until the season is over because I consume too many fats
. Try cutting back on fats and see what happens. Not quitting them, just cutting back. Of course, we are all different, so maybe your problem is different.
Posted by: Donna W | August 04, 2013 at 07:22 PM
Posted by: Christy | August 04, 2013 at 07:42 PM