In the past year, I've had less to say on the blog than usual, so it seems fitting that a retrospective should be based on photos rather than solely on words.
I decided to choose one photo from each month. They aren't necessarily meant to sum up the year, but I wanted to pick images that I hadn't posted before that caught my eye while I was scrolling through.
The year was marked by unseasonably warm weather, which explains what I was doing at the Kansas City Zoo in January with nephew, niece and sister.
In February I spoke at the IABC Business Communicators Summit. I wore my pixel skull socks for luck.
In March, I chose not to cook Trillian for dinner despite her apparent willingness to sacrifice herself.
This guy and I did some sight-seeing in April.
In May, I got a chance to see the view of Kansas City's Country Club Plaza from the roof of a Frank Lloyd Wright-designed church.
June was perfect for drinks on my sister's deck.
I finally met Little Celeste. (July was by far the most photo-filled month of the year. I did several fun runs, played board games, went to concerts and generally stayed incredibly busy.)
In August, the drought broke...briefly.
I went to the Renaissance Festival in September with my niece and sister. That's my niece on stage.
Did a little antiquing in Weston, Missouri after Applefest in October.
Got in one last run in November: a two-mile wilderness run. It was cold and my asthma acted up, but I still enjoyed hanging out with friends and getting some exercise.
December was all about cooking and baking. I hosted a cookie party, got together with my sister and niece for a day of candy making, and made these sugar cookies on my own time to try out the rocket cookie cutter that one of my co-workers made with the company's 3D printer. Keith will recognize the Dalek from the cookie cutters I got from him.
I'm looking forward to an equally active and fun 2013 and wishing you the same!
Looks like it was a great year for you! And I totally want in on that cookie party next year. I'm surprisingly good at baking cookies. ;)
Posted by: BoSoxAmy | December 31, 2012 at 04:35 PM
Great photos. I particularly like the skull socks and WANT SOM DALEK COOKIES! Happy New Year!
Posted by: Karl | January 07, 2013 at 11:28 AM
Glad to see the Daleks are busy exterminating people's appetites
Posted by: Keith | January 12, 2013 at 12:29 PM