Today was fun in ways that brought back lots of memories of my nerdy teen years.
I started out the day working the registration table at the Recruits Convention. Kanga had put out a call for volunteers a couple of months ago and I thought it sounded like fun.
I had the 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. shift and originally I thought I was going to have to leave after that, but it turned out that I had time to stick around and play a couple of games.
First I walked around and checked out some of the larger-scale games. I had no idea what any of them were, but there were some pretty impressive setups.
I didn't really know how I was going to get involved in a game, but then I met someone from the MOKAN Warmachine Group who was doing demos to teach people how to play. As a complete n00b, I was a little vague on the details from the get-go, but I think I understood that we were playing a more fantasy-oriented offshoot of the game.
I took a photo of the playing field while we both still had a reasonable number of combatants left.
I still had my wizard, a big bad-ass dragon thing with a cool name that I've already forgotten, and another little lizard creature who was across the field menacing the other wizard. I eventually won, but considering that my role consisted mainly of throwing dice and deciding which character was going to attack where, I don't take a lot of credit for the victory. Anyway, it was fun and I feel I could get the hang of it if I had additional opportunities to play.
After that, I happened upon a rep from AEG who was demoing a new card game called Smashup that won't be in stores until next month.
He said it would be more fun with a third player, but no one else volunteered and I was there by myself, so we played a two-person game. I also won that round, but I think it's safe to say that he let me win, especially considering that I quickly figured out how to attack him but he never really retaliated. I could see playing this one with the same friends who enjoy Munchkin.
By the time that game wrapped up I was getting hungry, so I decided it was time to go. I'd like to attend again sometime and play more different games. I think I'd be less hesitant to jump in on games if I had a gaming buddy with me next time.
Every time I get the chance to do some tabletop gaming I really enjoy it. I need to make sure our game sessions remain frequent and varied.
There's been talk of starting some kind of campaign-oriented game at my office, which would be fun. We're trying to find a D&D dungeon master or another game master who would be interested in running one for us.
While I was eating lunch and visiting with my sister (who lives close to where the gaming convention was held), I got a text from Becca asking if I wanted to go see the TARDIS with her at Vintage Stock. Uh, yeah!
She loaned me her sonic screwdriver for the photo. I don't know why I'm holding it in the wrong hand.
While we were there, we also ran into Jeremy and Kendall.
There wasn't much to do once we'd gotten in our photo ops, so I headed home and settled in for a nice afternoon nap with the dog and a couple of the cats.
So that was my day of geeky fun. Tomorrow: unleashing the caffeine monster.