Yesterday evening I hosted a role playing board game night. Kanga brought over a selection of games including Battlestar Galactica, Dune, Warrior Knights and Last Night on Earth.
We'd been having trouble getting enough players, so I'd gone into recruitment overdrive and added some new people to the group, including my cousin Travis and @february_seer_j. We ended up with eight, which would have been perfect except that most of the games work best with six or fewer players. We teamed up some of the newbies and ended up playing Battlestar Galactica.
We had to use two tables. Next time I think I'd bring my laundry table up from the basement.
The rule booklets really come in handy.
I made a big pot of chili, some cornbread and an Apple Honey Bundt Cake. I'd forgotten how much a group of men can eat, so later on I heated up my last pan of enchiladas from earlier in the week and fed them that as well.
Even though my living room is small, we managed to make it work and I think everyone had fun.
Once we wrapped up the game (the humans won!), some of the group left and the remaining players broke out Last Night on Earth. My cousin played as the zombies and killed all the human players quickly and relentlessly, as zombies do.
Now that the weather is cooling down, I think we'll be having game nights more often. The next time we end up with eight or more players, we'll probably split into two groups. There are so many more games we could play—between Kanga and two of his buddies, I think we had about ten options just yesterday. Even though we especially love BSG and Dune, it would be fun to branch out.
If you're interested in joining us sometime, just let me know!