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October 19, 2011



Celeste -- be done with taping! I painted our living room last week and used a Shure-line edger. Caroline and Katherine have done tons of painting and both recommended it. I will NEVER tape again thanks to this little $3 gadget

I'll show you what I'm talking about when you come over tomorrow. This thing was life changing. I am now considering doing my kitchen, which I had put off because of all the taping off involved.

Barb Holter

Ha! It sounds like a splendid idea for a party. I got married at the courthouse. I wore a pair of cords and a white peasant blouse. Although Jim has never commented on a piece of clothing of mine since I've known him, I was surprised to hear him reminisce recently about how much he like that blouse! I haven't seen the movie, but I might have a girls' showing. Sounds like lots of fun, except for the flu part. Hope you are all well.bzh

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