We've been sleeping in our living room since early September and it looks like we'll finally be moved back into the bedroom next week.
The ceiling and floor have been finished for a while, but we were waiting for two replacement windows to be manufactured and delivered. In my town, you have to have a building permit to put in replacement windows, so I've made two trips to City Hall and paid $33 for that privilege. With that out of the way, we're on the installer's schedule for next Monday afternoon. Woohoo!
Now I just need to smooth the plaster repairs and patch the big hole in our closet wall where some random plumber once accessed pipes that no longer even exist in that location. After that I'll caulk around all of the window and door frames, paint the walls, paint the trim, door and closet doors, and then we'll be set to move back in as soon as the windows are in place.
Well, almost set. First I have to stick felt pads to the bottoms of all of the bedroom furniture. The floor was in such bad shape before that I'd never bothered. THEN I can move the furniture back.
One detail that's been overlooked is blinds for the room. I keep telling our blinds guy (yes, we have a blinds guy. Don't you?) that I need to have him come over so I can place an order, but that hasn't happened yet. I'm guessing we'll be hanging blankets over our windows like college students for a little while.
I cannot tell you how nice it will be to get our bed out of the living room. First of all, it's incredibly awkward when someone comes over. Beyond that, it works out very poorly with my husband's and my opposite sleep schedules, especially since the open kitchen doorway is only about ten feet away from the foot of the bed. He makes a sandwich at 2:00 a.m. and I wake up. I use the blender for my breakfast shake at 7:30 a.m. and it keeps him up. Any time the awake person does anything at all in the main part of the house, the dog gets up to see what's happening.
This is the last home improvement project we'll be doing for a while. It really wasn't in our budget at all, but circumstances aligned to get it started and we just kind of ran with it. I certainly don't regret it at all. For years our bedroom has been so unsightly that we've kept the lights off and closed the door anytime we had company. It will be refreshing to have a room that doesn't have to be hidden from passers-by.
I'm not going to mind spending the weekend painting. It's my favorite home project to do (except for the taping, which I'm sure everyone hates) and I am really looking forward to completing the room's transformation. I'll post pictures when we're moved back in. I can't wait!
Celeste -- be done with taping! I painted our living room last week and used a Shure-line edger. Caroline and Katherine have done tons of painting and both recommended it. I will NEVER tape again thanks to this little $3 gadget
I'll show you what I'm talking about when you come over tomorrow. This thing was life changing. I am now considering doing my kitchen, which I had put off because of all the taping off involved.
Posted by: cagey | October 20, 2011 at 02:02 PM
Ha! It sounds like a splendid idea for a party. I got married at the courthouse. I wore a pair of cords and a white peasant blouse. Although Jim has never commented on a piece of clothing of mine since I've known him, I was surprised to hear him reminisce recently about how much he like that blouse! I haven't seen the movie, but I might have a girls' showing. Sounds like lots of fun, except for the flu part. Hope you are all well.bzh
Posted by: Barb Holter | October 25, 2011 at 11:23 AM