Hey, remember when I took all the wallpaper off my bedroom walls back in May? Well, we've finally gotten around to having someone complete Step 2 of that process, which is take down the lath and plaster ceiling and replace it with sheetrock.
At first I thought I could just have someone smooth out the existing ceiling but I didn't realize that it was actually sagging. That's not what you want in a plaster ceiling.
We managed to find a guy who was willing to do the labor in exchange for studio time. He decided he had time this weekend, so when I woke up yesterday I moved all our bedroom furniture into the living room and my dressing room. My husband hurt his back earlier this year, so I was on my own.
Dr. Jones and Velvet are enjoying having a bed in the living room.
When the guy arrived yesterday, he proceeded to rip the whole ceiling down. I sacrificed a couple of old comforters to help insure that the heavy chunks of plaster wouldn't dent the floor when they came down.
It was a much messier process than this view of the aftermath would suggest.
Here's what a 10'x12' lath-and-plaster ceiling looks like when you're finished with it:
The only casualty of the furniture move was our cheaply-made Scandinavian bed frame. It's been mended repeatedly over the years and apparently the move from one room to the next was the last straw. My husband and I (and Toby and Velvet) had been asleep for a little more than an hour last night when the wood holding one side of the slats under the mattress gave way with a loud CRACK!
I got up, found the only cinderblock we have, wrapped it in an old pillowcase and used it to prop up that side of the bed. I think I may just buy a standard metal bed frame, remove the slats and side supports from the old bed frame, and just use the decorative frame as a surround. But that'll have to come later.
Because I didn't know the timeframe of the ceiling work until late last week, I hadn't lined up the other workmen we'll need to get the bedroom completely finished. I have appointments on Tuesday and Wednesday to get bids from a window company to replace the two bedroom windows and a hardwood floor refinishing company. I hope we don't end up spending more than a couple of weeks with our furniture piled up everywhere.
Toby can make himself comfortable anywhere.
The sheetrock is all up now and being mudded right now. It'll get sanded tomorrow. I have a $30 Groupon for a paint store, but I won't be able to paint until the floor and windows are finished. I guess I could go ahead and buy the paint, though.
I'm really looking forward to having a bedroom that doesn't have to be hidden behind a closed door when company comes over. It's worth the inconvenience. I think.