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September 01, 2011



Aawwwww! He looks so sweet! I hope it works out for you all. I would love to hear lots of stories about the kitties learning to co-exist with a new pal, and all that. :D


Heh. Guess you'll be using that thing that you didn't know what it was in the swag video...Congrats to you and Toby! It will take some time for him to adjust to the loss and changes in his life, but he seems like a very sweet pup.

I wonder. Do people give up their human children when they get divorced?


He looks like a total sweetie! Hope it works out for all of you.


So that's why Dr. Jones was looking so disapproving, it was a who's been sleeping in my bed moment.


I was wondering if it was a case of someone wresting custody of the dog from the other because they knew it would cause pain, and then dropping the poor puppy off at the shelter out of spite.

The house my sister and her hubs bought had a goldfish pond in the back. They bought it from a recently divorced couple. The pond had been the ex-husband's. The ex-wife (who was still living in the house) cut off all maintenance and air supply to the pond in an attempt to kill the fish and get back at her ex. Nice, no?

The fish survived, by the way.

Vicki Cook

Hope everything works out with Toby. Good luck and keep us informed!


I think Toby has landed in a good home! So glad you were inspired to take him in.


Hope Toby (and the kitties) adapt quickly. He's a good looking pup!


Congratulations! :) Hope it all works out and Toby becomes a permanent member of the family.


Welcome, Toby!

Well Hell Michelle

He is a cutie! It's sad his family gave him up, but he has found a great home with you.


What a cutie! Hope it all works out


what a wonderful story! so happy for you!!

Wish I had known this before, the best way to introduce cats and dogs is to put perfume on you, the cats and the dogs!!!
I know it sounds crazy but it WORKS!

I did it when we first brought Dakota home.

Can't wait to read further updates!

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