Last Thursday, I left town with three other Soroptimist Club members and traveled to Rockwall, Texas for our Region Conference. There were no conference activities scheduled until Friday, so we took our time getting there and the first two days felt almost vacation-y.
We stayed at the new Hilton that overlooks Lake Ray Hubbard. It's flanked by a row of restaurants and shops, and we almost made it to the movie theater one evening, but everyone was too tired to stay up that late.
On Friday afternoon, we were treated to a cruise on the Seawolf, a 40-foot catamaran that had been hand-built by its captain. As you can see, it was a bit windy that day and we got sprayed with lake water from time to time, but it was a very relaxing and pleasant jaunt around the lake.
The conference became a little more thrilling than expected when I arrived for the Saturday morning session and spotted my name on the agenda. No one had told me I was supposed to stand up and give a five-minute report, so I did some quick research on my iPhone, scribbled notes on my notepad, and said a whole bunch of stuff when it was my turn. Fortunately I had known I was doing another presentation later on, so I basically just introduced that subject, padded it with some additional information and called it good. Whew.
It wasn't all just conference, even on Saturday. My travel companions and I managed to squeeze in some time for shopping near the hotel and in downtown Rockwall, which netted me a cute top and some new tea towels.
After breakfast and a brief meeting on Sunday, we packed the van and headed toward Kansas City. It had been 90 degrees most of the trip, but Sunday was windy, rainy and chilly. As we crossed through Texas, Oklahoma and Missouri, the weather remained that way.
When I wasn't driving, I took photos of roadside attractions like Bigfoot's BBQ:
We even stopped for fresh produce. I got five juicy tomatoes and a bag of new potatoes.
Even with the rainy weather, I was glad we'd taken a road trip rather than flying. The gas was expensive, but not anywhere near as expensive as plane fare for four people, and I got to see a part of the country I'd never seen before.
I'm looking forward to my next road trip.
Sounds like you had a great conference! I'd like to hear more about your experience with the Soroptimist Club!
Posted by: Miel et Lait | May 04, 2011 at 11:00 PM