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March 23, 2011



I tried a garden two years ago, with a tiny amount of success. This year I am going to do gardening in bags and see how that works out. I'm hoping it does good, cause I am really wanting some homegrown veggies.


Cool! We'll have to compare notes - I'm biggering my garden this year.


My Dad does a pretty huge garden, tomatoes, zuchinni, summer squash, green beans, corn, radishes, onions, lettuce and bell peppers, our garden (that previous owners built) is smaller and we can properly grow between 6 and 8 tomato plants and 6 or 8 pepper plants, but the year we tried to squeeze in green beans and lettuce was kind of a nightmare.... I am trying herbs again this year too....but I still haven't scoped out where I want em'......

Erica M

A spice garden! That's what I'll do with the abandoned garden space in my walkway this spring. Thanks!


What a great idea; I bet you could grow a great garden up there!

I have to put in a plug for my favorite thing to grow: If you can find them, Sungolds (bright orange cherry tomatoes) are pretty, easy, and delicious.


Over here those plots are known as allotments and were big during the 2nd world war when everything was on ration. These days, they are still sought after and fiercely defended by their owners. I wish you lots of luck with it. I shall be growing herbs and maybe a few potatoes on my balcony


Ooh! I've always wanted to garden in a community garden, but never lived anyplace where it would have worked.

My mom's told us we should start a vegetable garden here regardless of our plans to move once one of us is employed. Several of the beds need to be redone, though. It's hard to look forward to the results of a garden when most of you is hoping you'll be long gone before anything is ready to eat.

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