If I were keeping up with my blog, by now you'd have read about the get-together where my friends and I played Zombie Dice, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer game and Shrek Operation.
I might have told you about A Librarian's fun birthday dinner at Blanc Burgers+Bottles and her adorable foster kitten who looks just like Skippyjon Jones.
Skippito! (A Librarian is totally going to adopt this cat, no matter what she might tell you.)
I would have told you about going to a Missouri Mavericks hockey game for my brother-in-law's birthday, which was really fun even though I didn't understand most of what was going on.
Then I probably would have written an entire post about my sister's wonderful new yoga studio, Core Balance Yoga, which opened last weekend and is doing extraordinarily well. I helped her do a faux finish on the walls of the massage room the previous weekend and I attended the lovely grand opening.
Of course, I might have written about how I'm still doing various volunteer projects, attempting to keep the house clean, discovering new features of our Roku and trying to get a morning walk in now and then.
I would probably have lightly touched on how wrung out I'm getting from all the job interviews I've been doing. I'd mention that I've expanded my search to other cities - Nashville, Tennessee and Austin, Texas - because either of those places would also have great opportunities for my husband.
So now that that's all out of the way, maybe I'll start blogging about the next batch of things I do. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll have some wonderful things to talk about.
I'm so glad you posted the link for Skippyjon Jones. Because I had no idea who you all were talking about. He is Skippyjon Jones!
Posted by: Spyder | January 30, 2011 at 01:45 PM
Hello. Delurking from a couple of posts ago.
Posted by: Melissa | February 01, 2011 at 01:34 PM