Here's today's Reverb 10 prompt:
Writing. What do you do each day that doesn't contribute to your writing -- and can you eliminate it?
Maybe I've overthinking this one, but I believe that everything I do has the potential to contribute to my writing. Even things that sound like "wastes of time" (and here I'm thinking about surfing my Google Reader feeds, checking Facebook and Twitter, etc.) can spark an idea or a line of inquiry that could lead to a blog post now or down the road.
It's what I don't do that's detrimental to my writing. I don't write down ideas when I first think of them. I don't make myself write every day (although NaBloPoMo and Reverb 10 back to back are taking care of that!). I don't always act on the ideas I have and make myself sit down and put them on the screen while they're fresh.
I'm really pretty good about scheduling writing time in the mornings and evenings. What I need is a little more focus and discipline when it comes to my personal writing. It's not an issue of something else getting in the way, it's that I need to make the most of the time I've already set aside.
That said, I have four pieces of writing that I've been procrastinating about for way too long. Let's see how quickly I can make them happen.
Photo credit: Declan Jewell
You are so right that it is not what you do but what you don't do. I'm a little weirded out that they phrased the question that way. I identify with everything you said, and I love that you set time for yourself in the morning and evening to write. That makes such a big difference. Not that I do it... :)
Posted by: Suzanne | December 02, 2010 at 12:41 PM