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October 17, 2010


k's grandma

I need to go feed the neighbor's phantom cat and then I'm on the road! I'm about 3 hours west of you, and may need to crash overnite until we know how my aging system reacts to all those spices. That's not a problem, is it?


Hooray! Congrats.

And think you look great in the pic. Hot and Happy. :)


Congratulations! Sounds delish.

Donna W

I would never have thought to make chili with pulled pork. Congratulations!


Well done with the award. I think you need make contact with Molly Goatwax and get some of her Habaneros. One little pepper made a hot curry for four people the other week. Vicious little buggers.


I was lucky enough to have a sample last night and it TOTALLY ROCKED! Need...giant..bowl! Mmmmmm.


Damn, that sounds terrific! I totally understand about holding back on the spices. If you have are feeding a large group, not everybody will like spicy. But it's more fun to experiment and be bold.

Congrats on the award!

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