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May 13, 2010



Maybe I'm missing something. what is this stuff and what doesn it do ?


I have to say, there's something about a picture of an actual person (owner/maker?) with the product that seems to make it more appealing to me...not just another product shot. More psychology at play?

Average Jane

Keith - It's a toy, kind of like Silly Putty but in prettier colors and larger quantities.

zenzonechick - I agree. It really personalizes it.

Angie Pedersen

Nice overview of the campaign - I liked the play-by-play from beginning to end(ish). Thanks for the write-up!

Erica M

Does it stick to the carpet?


That would stay clean-and-clear about 2 seconds in my house before it turned into a Liquid Display-of-Captured-Pet-Hairs. And I can only imagine what horrible things the children would do with it.

But kudos on your great campaign recap!

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