Yeah, I know. It's only Thursday and I've already run out of post ideas. I actually had to go in search of a meme I could glom onto and I chose this one, partly because who could resist the beautiful donuts?
1. It's early morning, about 2:00 AM, and you're driving home. You come
to a red light and sit there. There is no one in sight for miles
around. Do you wait it out or run the light?
I definitely run it, especially if it's a long red light.
2. If you had the chance to re-do the last 24 hours, would you change anything?
Hmmm, maybe I would limit myself to one giant piece of pizza for lunch rather than the two I actually had.
3. When you reply to someone's comment on your blog, do you reply in your comments or go to her blog and comment? (Or email her)
I try to e-mail a reply to everyone who comments. I also do my best to visit commenters' blogs and if I see them comment more than once, I'll usually add their blog to my feed reader.
4. Your favorite Disney movie is:
Probably "Fantasia."
5. Do you recycle?
Yes I do! We have curbside recycling and I am very strict about making sure that everything recyclable goes in the correct bin. I also save glass to take to the Ripple Glass bin near my grocery store. I even save batteries and take them to work to put in the battery recycling bins there.
6. Games of strategy or games of chance?
Games of knowledge and skill are my favorites.
7. Do you have any recurring dreams?
Yes, I have lots of them - both recurring scenarios and recurring settings.
8. What did you learn from your first real job?
At my first real job, someone taught me how to use desktop publishing software, even though it wasn't part of my duties. I think that the comfort level I developed with computers then has served me well ever since. Keep in mind that we're talking about the IBM 386 with DOS prompts at startup!
9. Do you buy or borrow most books?
I mostly buy books, but I borrow them on occasion. I'm just not very good about giving them back.
10. What fashion trend of the past did you say you'd never wear again but did?
I don't think the phrase "fashion trend" is part of my reality. Seriously, there is nothing I can think of that fits this description.
11. When do you start Christmas shopping?
This year I have been buying things and squirreling them away almost since last Christmas, but that's not my usual modus operandi. Generally I start shopping about a week after Thanksgiving or whenever there's a big store-emptying snowstorm, whichever comes first.
12. Have you ever been so happy that you literally jumped up and down for a few seconds? If so, what was the occasion?
Definitely! It happens all the time and it doesn't take much to prompt that reaction. Heck, just invite me to lunch and I'll probably jump up and down a couple of times.