As much as I love gardens and houseplants in theory, I have to admit that I'm not very good with them. For instance, I bought numerous packs of geranium plants in the late spring and they're still sitting around unplanted (yet alive!).
A couple of weeks ago I took a good look at my lime tree which was languishing on top of the TV and decided that it would be happier spending some time outside. Man, was that a good call! It's gone crazy with new leaves, blossoms and baby limes, and now I feel really guilty about not putting it out sooner.
The plants all live on top of the enormous, broken projection TV in our living room and we've been putting off finding a new plant stand for them even though it's obvious that the TV needs to go. Last weekend I moved all of the house plants outside next to the lime tree so they could enjoy a little warmth and rainwater and I could start thinking about Craigslisting the TV.
Even though the other plants aren't going as crazy outdoors as the tree, I'm happy that the rain has at least washed the dust off their leaves. Oh, and there's this interesting development:
The lime tree and the impatiens have both developed hardy clusters of toadstools in their pots.
Finally, as an update to my post about deliberate plant killing, I'm happy to report that the poison ivy plants near my front door are indeed dead.
Of course, at some point I'm going to have to remove the plant corpses and I am well aware that they are chock-full of poison ivy oils that could still get me. I'll be very careful
I have been getting the oddest varieties of random fungi in my front planters and flower beds. From the average to the obscene looking. And it's almost never the same one twice. The grossest was a phallic reddish one that looked like it had been dipped in chocolate syrup. It was oozing that stuff! Blech!
Posted by: zen zone chick | August 24, 2009 at 03:59 PM
That's cool. Have you tried to find out what type of mushrooms they are?
Posted by: lizriz | August 24, 2009 at 09:48 PM