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April 08, 2009


Donna W

We can only hope!

Brian Hedgpeth

Good for you, Jane! Regarding "healthy choices" - a product I market may be of interest to you and worth your time to investigate. It would be my pleasure to introduce you to it and to the very knowledgeable doctor friend of mine who assisted me in researching it in depth.


Amen! Life is short better enjoy as much as you can.


I hear ya, girl. Been there.

Pull back! Pull back! And then come play with us. :)

zen zone chick

Sounds like a plan! And, no I don't have any pyramid schemes to tell you about... jeesh.

Let me know when you're ready for a summer road trip...ANYWHERE!

answer to questions

Everyone does, and I feel it makes the rest of the time more productive.

Legal Questions

In our world, it is easy to forget that everyone does need a little "me" time. Seriously, I do feel much more productive, ultimately, if I give myself some time. Otherwise, I suffer.

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