Annie at Think Lynsen did a post today called 10 underrated movies that I love. As I was commenting, I decided it would be fun to steal her post idea come up with a list of some of the weird DVDs in my collection that I enjoy watching and showing to people who have never seen them. I'll admit that a bunch of mine veer into cult classic territory, but they're all underrated just the same.
Without further ado, here are my picks (in no particular order, really):
10. Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death
First of all, it stars Shannon Tweed and Bill Maher, which really should be just about all you need to know. It's cheesy and ridiculous, but most of the humor is actually intentional.
9. Cabin Boy
Funny, surreal and very vague about the era in which it is set. I'm a big Chris Elliott fan and I also appreciate the little cameo by David Letterman.
8. Dirty Love
I've written an entire blog post about why I love this movie despite the fact that it was universally panned.
7. UHF
Call me geeky, but I love "Weird Al" Yankovic and I always have. This is a vital part of the canon.
6. Galaxy Quest
Great cast, tons of nerdy Star Trek references and a fun adventure plot.
5. Charlie's Angels
I'm stealing this one from Annie's list. This was a great, non-stop action movie with fun characters and a soundtrack that I still enjoy. It's too bad the sequel was so awful.
4. The Rocker
I'll admit that I'm a sucker for movies about bands, so this one had an advantage with me from the get-go. I feel kind of bad that I only went for a free preview screening and never paid to see it. My husband and I agree that we need to own the DVD.
3. Idiocracy
Is it as good as Office Space? Not really, but they're so different that it's really not fair to compare them. With repeated viewings, Idiocracy gets funnier and funnier as the little details you missed earlier start to come to your attention.
2. The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
The main character is a neurosurgeon, a rocket scientist and a rock star. Yes, it's kind of cheesy, but how could it not be?
1. So I Married An Axe Murderer
Best movie Mike Myers ever did, hands down. He steals the movie from himself whenever he plays his main character's dad. Anthony LaPaglia is adorable. My sister and I can have an entire conversation using only lines from this movie.
Okay, it's your turn. What are your favorites?
I'm with you on Buckaroo Banzai and So I Married An Axe Murderer(out on Netflix instantly at the moment) and Galaxy Quest but I haven't seen many of the others. I'll give them more consideration the next time I get a chance.
Posted by: dumbwhore | March 31, 2009 at 06:43 PM
I totally smell a marathon at Average Jane's crib. *sniff*sniff*
I recently bought Axe Murderer and Manoj wouldn't even finish it with me. Yes, we are still married, but it was a close one. Also, I use the "haggis was created on a dare" line ALL THE TIME.
And Charlie's Angels should get an underrated soundtrack nod, too. I really enjoyed the music on that one.
Posted by: cagey | March 31, 2009 at 07:53 PM
I absolutely LOVE Galaxy Quest and So I Married..
They are a couple of my favorites!
In fact, my camera is named Harriet. "Harriet, sweet Harriet"
Posted by: Raven | March 31, 2009 at 08:38 PM
Hahaha - steal away, my friend, steal away.
100% agree on "So I Married an Axe Murderer." Wish I'd thought of that for my list. "Excuse me, Miss? I believe I ordered the LARGE cappucino? HELLO!"
"UHF" and "Galaxy Quest" are good in small doses on rare occasions, to me.
And I'm soooo Netflixing "Cannibal Women."
Posted by: Annie Lynsen | March 31, 2009 at 10:10 PM
Oh yeah, definitely love Galaxy Quest. And I could not possibly agree more about Anthony Lapaglia, although I seem to always get drunk when I watch that movie. I have a weird history with that one...
Some movies I don't much hear about that I think are awesome:
Beautiful Thing (1996) It's just an incredibly cute coming out story. Of course, there are tears... there always are.
The Faculty (1998) You can't go wrong with Bebe Neuwirth and Jon Stewart.
Guarding Tess (1994) Pre-Face/Off Nic Cage. Totally heartwarming and interesting and features a smart lady.
Streets of Fire (1984) A slightly surreal 80s noir B movie... I don't even know where to begin, I only know I love it.
Posted by: Kim | April 04, 2009 at 12:49 AM
I'm afraid you're going to cleave me.
Posted by: zen zone chick | April 06, 2009 at 10:01 AM