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March 02, 2009



Oh, you're killing me - I am snowed in for the day, ran out of coffee yesterday, and can't get out to get more! I need the caffeine at this point, I can't stay awake during the day if I don't have my two cups in the morning with breakfast.


Yay! I was off of coffee for a couple of years, because an acupuncturist suggested that it probably contributed to my migraine headaches. But it seemed to me that I still got the headaches, so eventually I started drinking coffee again, but in moderation. I make myself an iced latte every morning with the best espresso available in Portland and that's it for the day. It is one of life's nicest small and relatively inexpensive pleasures. I'm glad you are able to enjoy it again.

P.S. Did you feel like you could conquer the world after that first cup of coffee? I still remember what it was like to have that jolt of caffeine after a couple of years without it. There's no doubt that caffeine is a pretty powerful drug.


I have 1 coffee during the week @work. I use thermal mug with a straw= less stains on teeth!! FTW!


Officially, this is my favorite Average Jane post title EVER. Hee.

After these pregnancies, breastfeeding, etc. I had to cut my coffee consumption down to 1-2 cups and I keep it to the morning now. I really savor it, though.

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