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November 10, 2008


Goofy Girl

I have a very similar recipe and it is called Mexican Wedding Cookies. These are awesome cookies, especially a few minutes out of the oven. MMMmmmmmmmm!

Good tip on the colored sugar. I'll try it!

Tanya (aka NetChick)

Ha. Very bad timing for this recipe... ;) (check out my blog today) Thanks for sharing it anyhow!


I dare not make these cookies because I would Eat. Them. All. One by one, pop them in my mouth and--whooosh, gone.

mojavi at Simple Things

my mom made these mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Yummy! thank you for the recipe i will try this at home. :)


laurie ruettimann

Nut Butter Balls. Hahahahahaha. I love my balls buttered with nuts. I'm totally making these and I will add some color. Pictures soon! xoxo

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