VOTE VOTE VOTE Like A Baby Stoat!
A message that is both weird and pertinent.
I woke up around 5:30 a.m. today and made it to the polls just as they opened at 6:00 a.m. There were about 30 people in line ahead of me, but the crowd moved swiftly and I was finished in less than 30 minutes.
I stopped at LaMar's Donuts on my way home and picked up a dozen glazed to share with my co-workers. The lady working there commented on my Obama t-shirt and said she was looking forward to getting off work so she could go vote for him, too.
I'm looking forward to watching the results with friends tonight. I've even made a batch of pomegranate salsa to take with me.
So do what the baby stoat's beady little eyes are commanding you to do: GO VOTE!