ByJane has a post up about one of my pet peeves: the idea that you can't wear whatever you want once you get past a certain age. I'm not talking about retaining the right to display my cellulite-pocked thighs in a mini-skirt from the juniors' department. That's a fashion don't for anyone (with cellulite-pocked thighs). However, I do take exception to the idea that my fortieth birthday marked the day that society expected me to turn in all my Threadless t-shirts and start outfitting myself at Chico's.
Over the last four or five years, I've developed the perfect wardrobe for myself: jeans, quirky t-shirts, long-sleeved layering t-shirts for when it's chilly, a variety of pairs of Converse sneakers, and a few hoodies for when it's really chilly. I can mix and match those items like Garanimals for weeks on end, even when I'm lax about doing laundry.
One of the reasons this wardrobe concept works so well for me is that the jeans are the only part of it that must be shopped for in person and tried on. The t-shirts all come from various online sources. These days, the shoes come from The hoodies and long-sleeved tees are mostly from Target, and they last forever.
You may have gathered by now that I hate shopping. That's why last weekend was the ultimate in clothing-acquisition events for me. My sister tipped me off that she was getting rid of a lot of her business casual clothes. Naturally, I made a bee-line to her house to claim what I could before the Goodwill run. The haul included a bunch of black jackets, a wool skirt I can wear the next time I'm obliged to dress up, and a couple of pairs of slacks that could also come in handy for dressier occasions.
The black jackets will be great in the fall and winter to dress up my t-shirt wardrobe. I can also pair them with tank tops to wear onstage when my band performs. There's nothing like a long jacket to hide a multitude of figure flaws.
You'll notice I didn't say anything about how I now have the wardrobe to dress like a real grown-up. That's the last thing I intend to do. Maybe if I ever feel like a real grown-up, I'll change my mind. Until then, what you see is what you get.
There's a rule against jeans and T-shirts when you're old? Who knew? I'm 64, and that's all I wear (unless it's hot; then I wear shorts... is that wrong also?).
I wish somebody would give me some dressier stuff for an occasional burial or something. Like you, I hate to shop.
It tickles me to death that when I go to church, I am no longer required to suffer the indignities of dresses and panty-hose. Church has turned into pretty much of a come-as-you-are affair.
Posted by: Donna W | October 14, 2008 at 06:45 AM
I just got a new batch of T-shirts from Threadless, and they make me so happy. :)
Posted by: lizriz | October 14, 2008 at 12:13 PM
You always look amazingly "cool"--like the rocker chick you are. I'm envious of your look. Maybe I'll try it.
Posted by: ByJane | October 14, 2008 at 02:21 PM
Remember Le Tigre? It was the first logo-branded clothing line I "made" my parents buy me ...paved the way for Tommy Hilfiger. I'm so ashamed!
Posted by: Brian | October 15, 2008 at 08:14 PM