This is only the second post after my little break and I'm already cheating! Tsk, tsk.
I picked this one up from Zandria. She'd cut some questions out from the original source, but I thought her edits were good so I'm leaving the list at nineteen, even though some of my answers are a little dull.
Have you ever…
1. gone on a blind date?
2. skipped school?
I skipped school one time when I was in high school. My boyfriend lived about six blocks from my school (although, oddly, he went to a different school). We hatched a plan wherein I took the bus to school and then walked to his house. I'm pretty sure his mother was in collusion with us. Because I had such a reputation for being a goody two-shoes, I didn't even get in trouble for it. When the office called me in to ask about my absence, I just said, "Didn't my mom call you?" and they let slide.
3. watched someone die?
No, unless you count being there when various cats of mine were euthanized.
4. been on the opposite side of your country?
I live right smack in the middle, but I've been to both coasts.
5. swam in the ocean?
Yes, I've swum in the ocean in Florida, South Carolina and Jamaica.
6. had your booze taken away by the cops?
No, but when I was a teenager, I remember groups of us getting rousted from our local park by the park police for being "too noisy." I don't think we were doing much drinking then, just hanging out and playing our car stereos.
7. lettered in high school sport?
I am one of the least athletic people you will ever meet, but when I was in junior high school I struggled through two years on the track team. The first year, they put me on speed events such as sprints and relays, but I was too slow. Then they moved me to distance events, but I had no endurance. Shotput and other weight events were out of the question because I wasn't strong enough. On the third year, I stepped back and became a team manager, for which I received a letter.
8. played cops and robbers?
Not specifically. My sister and I were more into playing with Barbies or Fisher-Price people.
9. sung karaoke?
Yes, I'll sing karaoke on occasion. However, I generally try to stay away from it, not only because most karaoke singers are horrible, but because it takes money away from live bands like mine.
10. paid for a meal with coins only?
Definitely! I've paid for gas that way, too, but not since I was in college.
11. made prank phone calls?
I've never done the "Prince Albert in a can" type of prank calls, but my sister and I used to take turns getting on the phone with my boyfriend. Our voices are very similar and he couldn't tell who was who.
12. laughed until some sort of beverage came out of your nose?
Oh yes!
13. written a letter to Santa Claus?
I'm sure I did write a letter to Santa Claus at one point, considering that I have evidence of my correspondence with the Tooth Fairy.
14. watched the sunrise with someone you care about?
No, I don't recall ever staying up specifically to watch the sun rise.
15. been kissed under the mistletoe?
Yes, particularly because I tend to forget to take it down after Christmas. That hasn't happened lately, though, because I didn't decorate at all last year.
16. ever been arrested?
No, but I've bailed people out of jail.
17. gone ice skating?
I used to take ice skating lessons as a child, but they all wore off by the time I needed them. When I was in college, I went on a first date with a guy and he took me ice skating. Within the first few minutes of being on the ice, my feet slipped out from under me and I fell backward, hitting my head on the ice *hard*. All that money for skate rental and admission wasted...
18. been skinny dipping outdoors?
No. Nor indoors.
19. been on TV?
Yes, I was on the news once as part of a story about a science fiction convention I was attending. I was also interviewed for a basic cable show about cars when I was at an event with the local Porsche Club. Oh, and I was in a TV commercial for a car dealer around the time I was in junior high.
Well, that was an interesting trip down memory lane. It's interesting that many of those things happened a really long time ago. If you decide to pick up this meme, leave a comment so I can read what you said.
Yay for stealing! This is the type of stealing I definitely encourage. :)
Fisher-Price people! I forgot to mention those. Me and my sisters had QUITE a collection of those when we were little...
Posted by: Zandria | September 11, 2008 at 09:00 PM
That was a very entertaining post! Great job!
Posted by: Twenty Four At Heart | September 12, 2008 at 10:23 PM
love this post! the true life of average jane revealed!
Posted by: Stephanie | September 15, 2008 at 04:10 PM