Hello all! BlogWorld Expo wrapped up yesterday, but I'm still in Las Vegas for one more day. It was great to meet a bunch of cool new social media people and touch base with old friends. I took copious notes at all the sessions I attended and I'll be posting them and links to the people I met when I get back.
There's one thing about my trip this time that's different than previous trips to Las Vegas that I've taken: my feet don't hurt anywhere near as much as usual.
I've still been doing a lot of walking, but because my footwear of choice these days is Converse Chuck Taylors, I decided to purchase some Dr. Scholl's gel insoles before I left home.
I've always cringed at and made fun of the "Gellin'" commercials, so I'm here to say that I officially eat my words because my feet feel a zillion times better than I had any reason to expect. You'll never get me to agree that the phrase "Gellin' like Magellan" isn't completely stupid, but the product itself definitely works as advertised.
Today my plan is to check my bags with the front desk and spend the day exploring and shopping. I'd like to see if I can find some good stage clothes for my upcoming gigs this weekend (Friday / Saturday).
So far I've spent exactly $1 gambling (20 cents at a time in a penny slot machine - I was up to $5.20 at one point!) and I might go crazy and spend another dollar before I leave town.
I'm looking forward to getting home to snuggle with the cats and sleep in tomorrow before I go back to work on Wednesday. More tomorrow!
AJ you impetuous fool... It starts with a dollar and then you're hooked and you sell the cats to cover your gambling debts.
I wondered where you'd snuck off to. KP
Posted by: Keith | September 22, 2008 at 10:36 AM