My favorite thing about this week is that I have three unscheduled evenings. That almost never happens.
One of them was last night, which gave me the opportunity to go out to dinner with my husband and watch a few episodes of "Burn Notice" that the TiVo had waiting for me. I still have large caches of other shows stored up, but I never seem to have time to watch TV anymore. Then there are the the huge stacks of books I have sitting around...
I am also happy to report that I got a lot of work done yesterday at the office and I intend to do the same again today. I even made it to yoga class for the first time in weeks.
Even my most onerous daily task - giving Xena antibiotic pills for an upper respiratory infection - has been going pretty well so far (knock on wood). I can tell they're helping because she's sneezing less and spending more time getting into stuff.
I think a lot of this positive attitude I have comes from finally getting a decent amount of sleep over the weekend. It really helps when I shut the cats out of the bedroom. Velcro is very sweet to want to cuddle with me all night long, but it's not at all relaxing to have her constantly moving from my chest to my shoulder as I go from lying on my back to my side.
Tonight's plan is to put together promotional packets for the cover band. I went to Staples last night and got laser-printable glossy paper stock, business cards, labels, padded envelopes and see-through folders. Now I just need to lay out bio sheets, a set list and the cards and get them sent out to local clubs along with our demo CD. The group photos I have don't include our lead guitarist, but we'll worry about getting new ones taken later on.
So that's about all that's going on in my life. How's your week looking?
I have not had enough sleep this week due to the Olympics gymnastics starting at 11 pm. Why I even stay up to watch them is beyond me, given how farcical the judging has been. I'm glad to hear that you are having a relaxing week, though.
Posted by: Suzanne | August 19, 2008 at 10:06 PM
Just checked out the band. You have great pipes, lady!
Posted by: laurie | August 20, 2008 at 06:35 PM