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August 26, 2008



....Good Luck! Hope it works out sooner than later :) We have a list of things that need to be done on our house...but my husband is our contractor and unfortunately he moonlights at a job we need to live on.


Oh, the joys of home ownership. When we bought our house, we got quite a deal on it because it needed a bit of work, most of it cosmetic, thank goodness.

Whoever designed the house itself did a marvelous job - I love the way it's laid out (the kids live upstairs and because our bedroom is on the ground floor, I NEVER have to go up there...bwaaaahahahahaaaaa), but whoever decorated the damn thing must have taken a correspondence course at the Acme School of Polynesian Interior design. It had a bamboo chandelier in the dining room, I kid you not.

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