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August 16, 2008



Thanks for playing ...

Deep-tissue massages,
Egg rolls, and Vietnamese spring rolls.

I concur!!!

Donna W

I'm going to do this one.

Zen Zone Chick

You "sometimes" forget? Lying to make yourself look better! ;)


Hey Jane
About your 100 foods, have you tried turtle? Now I know that some are endangered and I have not tried them myself but recently I was out with some Cuban friends and they insisted that the best meat by far, with no exception, was turtle. They said it was slightly sweet and beefy and very, very tender. More tender than filet mignon. They said that when ever they visit Cuba there is a place to go for this delicacy. It is only available one season a year and the rest of the time they keep some steaks frozen. They say it is great that way too. Sound a bit weird but the way they describe it it sounds incredible.

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