I've been seeing this around today, so I decided to copy it from Janet. Apparently you're supposed to give one-word answers, so I had to re-do mine.
You're Feeling: Gloomy
To Your Left: Cup
On Your Mind: Money
Last Meal Included: Baguette
You Sometimes Find it Hard To: Act
The Weather: Grey
Something You Have a Collection of: Books
A Smell that Cheers You Up: Vanilla
A Smell that Can Ruin Your Mood: Smoke
How Long Since You Last Shaved: Thursday
The Current State of Your Hair: Ponytail
The Largest Item On Your Desk/Workspace Right Now (besides computer): Printer
Your Skill with Chopsticks: Expert
Which Section You Head to First In the Bookstore: New
...and After That?: Fiction
Something You're Craving: Chocolate
Your General Thoughts On the Presidential Race: Sigh.
How Many Times You've Been Hospitalized this Year: None
A Favorite Place to Go for Quiet Time: Office
You've Always Secretly Thought You'd Be a Good: Barista
Something that Freaks You Out a Little: Crowds
Something You've Eaten Too Much of Lately: Fries
You Have Never: Skydived
You Never Want To: Age
i'm with you on the barista, the chocolate and the sigh --
Posted by: mad madge | March 29, 2008 at 08:55 PM
Ooh, that's a good meme, and easy, too. Crowds freak me out a little, too. And if I dropped fries from my diet...well, I could drop a size or two.
Posted by: Jennifer H | March 30, 2008 at 11:15 AM