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February 01, 2008



Hope he gets feeling better soon. And you stay healthy.


Oh no! I was looking forward to your witty commentary on Sunday. Hope he gets better!


Looks like you have a weekend of tv to look forward to experiencing! Maybe your review could be about that. For instance, tell us what to TiVo or DVR if you really liked it.

Also, try to eat as many saltines as possible and make a fun game out of it.

As you can see, I'm just as bored...


If it wasn't for the fact you made soup and I watched the little movie, I was going to call you a cold unfeeling b***h but you did so I won't. KP

Average Jane

Thanks a lot, Keith! I'm waiting on the man hand and foot - I just don't want to get close enough to him to get his virus.

Lori Madison


Well my interview is up. That link to man cold was hilarious! I really think something is going around though, someone in one of my classes sneezed on me(cover your mouth!) and I have been feeling wonky the last few days. I sincerely hope that you don't get sick, I found that 1000 mg of vitamin C, save me from getting a full blown cold.


oooo I hope you didn't catch it! At least you had the superbowl to watch tonight...


OMG! That video had me in tears from laughing. Unfortunately, at my house ... it's just about how it goes.

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