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December 18, 2007



I am making gifts. My kitchen is full of blue jars, salt, sugar and essential oils. Hm....


I'm later than usual this year so today finds me still waiting for Amazon to send the last order. Unfortunately, I do tend to do the "just one more thing" thing ... maybe because I'm so late this year that phenomenon won't happen!

A Librarian

Wait...we were supposed to be shopping?


Yes, thankfully. I still have wrapping to do, but only a few.

S. Simon in WV

I'm really bummed about Christmas this year since my children are adults now. It just takes a lot out of gift giving when your children just want money. I miss the days of hiding presents, and even standing in line at 6:00am to get that special present they wanted above all else. I think I need to grow up! My Christmas shopping was mostly done at the bank. However, I did get to enjoy giving a few small gifts to my students. Young children are easier to please, and fun to shop for. Hope everyone else has a great holiday!

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