Off the top of my head, here are some products with which I've been interacting this week that deserve special mention.
- Baytril antibiotic tablets. Just the thing when all three of your cats have raging upper respiratory infections. I cannot tell you how much fun it is to jam one of them down each cat's throat every morning. The good news is that they seem to work. Only Xena, whose onset of symptoms was well behind everyone else's, is still suffering from violent sneezing fits, weepy eyes and a pathetic cough. I think she'll be back to normal in a couple more days.
- Fresh Sugar Lemon lotion. Oh how I love that stuff! I'm still working on my sample-sized bottle from the Roosevelt Hotel in L.A., but I will definitely buy some when I run out. No other lotion I've tried smells that good for that long yet doesn't irritate my super-dry skin.
- Kerrygold Irish Cheddar Cheese. Whole Foods has gotten its claws into me, as evidenced by my purchase of this delicious cheese. The price deterred me on the trip where I first tasted it, but given a little extra money on my return visit, I couldn't resist. Now I know why Monkey refers to Whole Foods as "Whole Paycheck."
On a sad note, our betta fish, Mr. Fishy, died yesterday. We'd had him since 2004, which is a crazy long time for one of them to live. His brief memorial service was held in our bathroom, presided over by my husband and attended by Velcro and Xena, both of whom enjoy watching the toilet flush under any circumstances.
Sorry about your fishey.
Posted by: Patrick | November 15, 2007 at 11:14 AM
My heart belongs to their Manchego!
I really want to try the Humboldt Fog everyone keeps going on about.
Posted by: monkey | November 15, 2007 at 01:35 PM
Hi there lady.
Sorry its been awhile since I've visited but I've been thinking of ya.
Sorry to hear about your fishy. And sorry to hear your cats have been sick. Giving fur babies meds just SUCKS. Its even more difficult with cats! Glad to hear the meds are working tho.
Posted by: Motherofbun | November 15, 2007 at 01:40 PM
I'm sorry to hear about Mr. Fishy, but he had a long and fishy life.
The lemon lotion sounds intriguing, but it's really worth the pricetag?
Posted by: me | November 15, 2007 at 08:22 PM