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November 11, 2007


Lady M

You have a very cool collection. I think almost all of my fragiles are boxes away for a few more years.

SF Mom of One

I want that sofa! I have one now that is close but the arms are not padded enough. That one looks, from here, like they are. Can you stretch out with a pillow against the arm or even without, and prop your laptop up that way? That's what I am looking for.

COuld you divulge your source? Thank you!

(I am usually not like this, but it just hit me! :) )

Average Jane

Lady M - Thanks!

SF Mom of One - Yes, you can stretch out against the arm of the couch, although I usually sit forward with my feet up on the cats' little carpeted condo thingy. The couch is made by Natuzzi and I bought mine from Nebraska Furniture Mart; a quick check of their dealer locator shows four different SF dealers.


That does look like a comfy spot to get some work done!


Cozy and beautiful! Yet vaguely disturbing! I love it.

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