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November 14, 2007



Coffee or tea? Cawfee
PC or Mac? Mac with PC on the Side (bootcamp/parallels)
Kids or no? I wish
Political or no? Politically aware. But not active.
Summer or winter? Summer
Artificial sweeteners or sugar? Sugar
Fries or salad?Yeah. Fries.
Lake or ocean? Ocean
Own or rent? Rent
E-mail or phone? E-mail!!!
Traditional medical care or natural remedies? Basically Trad. Chiropractic is getting more trad... right?
Vegetarian (or vegan) or carnivore? Wot Jane sed.
Apples or oranges? Apples
Follow celeb culture or no? Ewww No.
Liberal or conservative? Conservative.
Rural or urban?Urban with a rural heritage.
Car or SUV? Car
Marriage: necessary or no? Yeah,necessary.
Cable or not? Not
Campsite or hotel? Hotel
Alcohol or no? Oh God yes.
Up early or up late (if given the choice)? Both. But usually later rather than earlier.
News online or news on tv? Online all the way.


Coffee or tea? Tea (iced)
PC or Mac? PC
Kids or no? No
Political or no? political
Summer or winter? winter
Artificial sweeteners or sugar? Arti Sweeteners
Fries or salad? Fries
Lake or ocean? lake
Own or rent? Own
E-mail or phone? E-mail
Traditional medical care or natural remedies? Traditional
Vegetarian (or vegan) or carnivore? Carnivore (Red Meat Goddess)
Apples or oranges? Oranges
Follow celeb culture or no? Shamefully follow
Liberal or conservative? conservative (but more towards the middle)
Rural or urban? Urban-esque
Car or SUV? Car
Marriage: necessary or no? Not necessary, but it would be nice to have someone to take out the garbage
Cable or not? Cable! Not...I have Dish
Campsite or hotel? campsite
Alcohol or no? Yes
Up early or up late (if given the choice)? Up Late
News online or news on tv? Online


Coffee or tea? Coffee
PC or Mac? PC
Kids or no? Oh Hell No!
Political or no? Watching, Waiting...
Summer or winter? Winter (Florida)
Artificial sweeteners or sugar? No
Fries or salad? salads, Dry.
Lake or ocean? Ocean
Own or rent? Own
E-mail or phone? E-mail.
Traditional medical care or natural remedies? natural.
Vegetarian (or vegan) or carnivore? Omnivore
Apples or oranges? Oranges
Follow celeb culture or no? No.
Liberal or conservative? Middle of the road
Rural or urban? Suburban
Car or SUV? Pickup
Marriage: necessary or no? What's the point?
Cable or not? Basic Cable
Campsite or hotel? Campsite
Alcohol or no? In excess.
Up early or up late 5:30 A.M.
News online or news on tv? Online


holy CRAP. i just hit publish on a post i did about choices. then i came and saw this. eerie!

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