As little time as I have at home these days, it seemed important for me not to get hung up on too many new shows this season. Ditching HBO helped, of course, but I'm also trying to avoid the network shows as much as I can. Even with a TiVo, it can be impossible to keep up.
Here's our current season pass list:
Monday - "Heroes"
Tuesday - nothing
Wednesday - "Pushing Daisies" (our one new show so far) and waiting for "Lost" to start
Thursday - "My Name is Earl," "The Office," "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"
Friday - "The Ghost Whisperer" (which I really watch on Saturday or Sunday morning)
Saturday - nothing
Sunday - Hubby watches "Desperate Housewives"
And that's it. Sure, I'll watch "Dirty Jobs," "Mythbusters," or "The First 48" if I run across an episode while I'm surfing channels, but I don't have anything else set up to record regularly.
Is there anything in the new fall lineup that I should consider checking out? Are there any good shows out on DVD that I should rent and watch? Just because I'm trying to minimize my TV watching doesn't mean I want to miss out on something good.
I really enjoy The Next Iron Chef. It's less drama-ey than Top Chef but I really like the focus on the food.
I'm a big House fan. I'm trying to think of what I watch on Wednesdays...I hope Bravo subs in Project Runway for Top Chef soon, because I thought Bionic Woman was all sorts of lame.
Posted by: monkey | October 09, 2007 at 06:16 PM
Dirty Sexy Money, Boston Legal, Chuck, How I met your mother, Brothers & Sisters, I'm sure I have more. I think I watch too much TV.
Posted by: Huts | October 09, 2007 at 09:01 PM
Yeah, I am digging Dirty Sexy Money. The rest of the new shows are not wowing me, quite frankly. I have not decided what to cut and am in danger of growing attached to the stupid characters. Like that dumb Chuck and his goofy friend.
Posted by: cagey | October 09, 2007 at 10:27 PM
I tried to get into Heroes and couldn't pay it any attention. I think American programme makers have definitely lost the plot for decent entertainment (as have the Brits in many cases).
Posted by: Keith | October 10, 2007 at 06:22 AM
Journeyman. I'm completely hooked. Handsome guy suddenly finds himself traveling traveling back in time, to various dates in the 70s and 80s, and he has to figure out why he is there and who he needs to save. I actually stop blogging to watch it!
Posted by: Elizabeth | October 10, 2007 at 06:29 AM
Try House on Tuesdays. I got hooked last year. Then I watch Law and Order SVU directly after.
Posted by: Big Momma Pimpalishisness With A Cherry On Top | October 10, 2007 at 11:37 AM
OK, I can't believe I'm about to recommend a CW, yes that CW, show, but "Aliens in America" is really pretty hilarious. I had all but given up on the sitcom, but this is black comedy at its best. And since it's just a half-hour commercial show, you can knock it out in 20 minutes with TiVo!
As for return shows not on your list, "30 Rock" rules!
Posted by: Teresa | October 11, 2007 at 12:47 AM