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August 16, 2007



You were quite the social butterfly. Wow.

It was so much fun to get to know you. Wish we could have talked longer....

Dr. Val

I'd say your social networking is way ABOVE average, Jane! I appreciate the link. Be well... :)

Tara Anderson

Thanks for the shout-out and for trying out Lijit. It was wonderful meeting you and I've become a fan of your blog. Although as I told you at BlogHer, you are anything but average!


It was so great to meet you, too!


This is a GREAT idea! It was nice to meet you, too. :)

I think I'm going to go through my messy pile now!

Scrambled CAKE

Thanks for the mention. It as nice meeting you, too!

metro mama

It was a pleasure meeting you!


Thanks for the shout out! It was great meeting you at speed dating and I love your Average Jane avatar. Totally rad.


It was great to meet you too! I should do the business card blogroll too, thanks for the idea :)

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