Okay, I finally have an evening free (with one eye on the Chiefs game) to go through all the cards of the people I met in Chicago at BlogHer. Here they are, in the order in which they appeared in the huge, messy pile I plucked from my suitcase:
- Lady M
- Jazz Brown from The Finery Shop
- Count Mockula
- Jane of ByJane
- Georgia of I Am Bossy
- Dave Coustan from Earthlink
- Filmmaker Laurie Kahn-Everett
- Jessica from Wise Bread
- Kristen from Motherhood Uncensored (her "card" is a condom on a stick)
- David Wescott from APCO Worldwide
- Laura Bennett of Embrace Pet Insurance (I've already guest posted on their blog since then!)
- Solo Mom from Sanity and the Solo Mom
- Kim of Scrambled CAKE
- Jessica of Chirky
- Stacey from Mom Central Consulting
- Shannon of ThreeSeven.ca and Hitched!
- Either Mindy or Marie Helene of PearSoup.com
- Val Jones, M.D. of Revolution Health
- Katharine from The Women's International Perspective
- Claudia from Holy Fruit Salad
- Elsa Seefahrt
- Birdie from La Pajaro
- Stacey Kannenberg of Cedar Valley Publishing
- Lawyer Mama
- Charlene from Maya's Mom
- Liza from LesbianFamily.org (I got a "Friend of the Family" sticker)
- Lindsay from Suburban Turmoil
- Erika from Plain Jane Mom
- Jen from The Imperfect Mom
- Amy of Assertagirl
- Mary Tsao, Mommyblogger Extraordinaire
- Susie Sunshine
- Laurie from Sk*rt (Sk*rt is awesome! Check it out!)
- PunditMom
- Tired Mummy
- Robyn of Who's the Boss??
- Scott Adler from BabyCenter
- Elizabeth of Table4Five, MomReviews and MomCooks
- Casey of Moosh in Indy
- Kristie from Slacker-Moms-R-Us
- Lisa of Midwestern Mommy
- Melissa from Keeping Track of the Insanity
- Melina of Ellinetha
- Kimberly of Petroville
- Katie of Life, the Universe and Everything
- Suzanne of CUSS
- Des
- Meglauver
- Susan Getgood
- N.F. Hill from BuildPeace and Secondana
- Blondie of Tales from Clark Street
- Risa of StyleFool
- Kris from IndieBloggers (which I've since joined) and I'm not a girl, not yet a wino
- Catherine of Her Bad Mother
- Someone from Mominatrix Radio
- Metro Mama
- Kyran of Notes to Self
- Gwen Bell
- Elena Perez of Associated Content
- Amy of Mum's the Wurd and Chicago Moms Blog
- Krisco of Crib Ceiling
- Amy of Southern Fried
- Liz Henry of Book Maniac
- Carleen from Beauty and Fashion Tech
- Carey of Holtzbrinck Publishers
- Glenyse of Style Goddess
- Carrisa of Carrisa Blog
- Hola, Isabel!
- Tara Anderson from Lijit (you'll notice my Lijit wijit on the right)
- Gina of Terralina (awesome skin care products!)
- Laurie of Not Just About Cancer
- Joy from Joy of Six
Then there was everyone I've already mentioned (some of whom I've just mentioned again merely because their cards were in the pile). Of course, I met a certain number of people whose cards I've already lost, etc. Hello again if I've overlooked you!
My next step is to add everyone's feed to my Bloglines list. Maybe that can wait until tomorrow...
It was nice to meet all of you and I look forward to reading your blogs and, I hope, meeting you all again in the future.
You were quite the social butterfly. Wow.
It was so much fun to get to know you. Wish we could have talked longer....
Posted by: Motherofbun | August 16, 2007 at 10:22 PM
I'd say your social networking is way ABOVE average, Jane! I appreciate the link. Be well... :)
Posted by: Dr. Val | August 17, 2007 at 07:38 AM
Thanks for the shout-out and for trying out Lijit. It was wonderful meeting you and I've become a fan of your blog. Although as I told you at BlogHer, you are anything but average!
Posted by: Tara Anderson | August 17, 2007 at 10:18 AM
It was so great to meet you, too!
Posted by: PunditMom | August 17, 2007 at 07:42 PM
This is a GREAT idea! It was nice to meet you, too. :)
I think I'm going to go through my messy pile now!
Posted by: Amy | August 17, 2007 at 10:00 PM
Thanks for the mention. It as nice meeting you, too!
Posted by: Scrambled CAKE | August 18, 2007 at 07:32 AM
It was a pleasure meeting you!
Posted by: metro mama | August 18, 2007 at 09:05 AM
Thanks for the shout out! It was great meeting you at speed dating and I love your Average Jane avatar. Totally rad.
Posted by: Gwen | August 18, 2007 at 09:53 AM
It was great to meet you too! I should do the business card blogroll too, thanks for the idea :)
Posted by: Elizabeth | August 18, 2007 at 10:09 PM