One thing I love about blogging is the opportunity to find out about interesting people and the things they do. Sometimes these people go one step further and publish books, sell merchandise, etc., and I like to be able to buy or promote their stuff whenever I can.
Two bloggers I've read for a long time have books coming out. I just ordered Clublife: Thugs, Drugs, and Chaos at New York City's Premier Nightclubs by Rob the Bouncer from Clublife. Next on my list is Hack: How I Stopped Worrying About What to Do with My Life and Started Driving a Yellow Cab by Melissa Plaut of New York Hack, which can now be pre-ordered on Amazon. (I see a trend here of really long titles for bloggers' books.)
Of course, I have a copy of No One Cares What You Had for Lunch: 100 Ideas for Your Blog by Margaret Mason of Mighty Girl and Mighty Goods. Really, who doesn't? (If you don't have it, I recommend it highly for those days when you find yourself *this* close to detailing your meals for the day or writing about something equally dull.)
I know that Alice of Finslippy and Mrs. Kennedy of Fussy have been collaborating on a book. I don't care what it's about - I will buy it the instant it becomes available.
I am almost out of Superhappy notecards made by Joolie of Oh, My Stars and Garters, so I'll have to place a reorder soon because I love them so.
Alex and Stefan of Elephant Larry have a hilarious new video online called Minesweeper: The Movie.
Miss Zoot is raising money for the MDA and she's offering all kinds of interesting things to bloggers who kick in $20 or more.
That's all the blogger action I can think of right now, but let me know if you have something cool going on that I should bump into the main post. I'm not claiming much reach, but at least you might get me as a customer or visitor.
You rock.
Suzanne from CUSS is writing a book about weird things to do in NYC, and I'm her little assistant monkey. I think it's supposed to come out next spring. You can buy that if you want. If you have a way to find it.
Posted by: super des | August 15, 2007 at 09:16 PM
You obviously missed my paperback "Piles for pleasure and profit" at all leading book stores.
Posted by: Keith | August 16, 2007 at 07:13 AM
Ooh la la, I love learning about fun new blogs to read--thanks for the recommendations; it will be nice to look at these blogs tomorrow...instead of working.
I also have one to share with you: Laurie is a lovely gal livin' in the Valley with (too) many cats and a way with words. At least once a week, she writes a post that really hits home. Check it.
Posted by: Waldo Oiseau | August 16, 2007 at 04:18 PM
well, if you really want to tell ppl what you had for lunch, there's always twitter! :)
Posted by: Sarah Perez | August 21, 2007 at 10:51 PM