Yesterday I was at my sister's house and we were channel surfing when we came across the most awesomely bad infomercial ever. Once we started watching we could not tear our eyes away from it and, in fact, we actually backed up the DVR to see more of it.
It was for a product designed to "cleanse" the lower intestine. The presenters included the product's spokesperson, who was way too eager to over-share about the health and function of his own colon. Then there were the two hosts: a prim, blonde British woman and a guy with bad hair plugs.
It was the woman who initially got our attention because she was completely incapable of arranging her face to disguise the disgust and horror that she clearly felt about the topic at hand. You can almost read her mind, "Here I am with a degree in Broadcast Communications, and yet my career is spiraling out of control!"
As the over-eager spokesman went on and on about intestinal mucous and then moved on to parasites (implying that they're not so much a third-world phenomenon, but something with which YOU are probably infested), the female host's features continued to twist into an expression of utter grossed-outedness.
Of course, my sister and I laughed and laughed because we have the sense of humor of 10-year-olds. And, no, we didn't order the product.
You really think she had a degree in Broadcast Communications?
Posted by: super des | August 13, 2007 at 09:25 AM
Des - Who knows, but it would be funnier if she does!
Posted by: Average Jane | August 13, 2007 at 12:38 PM
I believe it was on "iTV" in case anyone DARES to find it. My sides!
Posted by: Pharmgirl | August 13, 2007 at 07:38 PM
I am so sorry that you will have to live with mucus and parasites because you didn't have the wisdom to buy this wonderful product!
Posted by: Suebob | August 13, 2007 at 11:41 PM
Interesting to find out if we know this British woman this side of the pond.
Posted by: Keith | August 14, 2007 at 07:57 AM