I've been tagged for a meme by Tish Grier, which is most welcome on a Monday when I'm still tired from the weekend. Without further ado:
Four jobs I've had in my life:
- Cashier at a Sears store
- Editor and typesetter for a custom printing company
- Marketing Babe (at several different companies)
- Copywriter
Four places I have lived:
- A 13-acre farm with horses, chickens, peacocks, dogs and cats
- A run-down duplex owned by a notorious slumlord
- A condo with walls so thin that my husband overhead the upstairs neighbor greeting a call girl at the door
- My current house, which is getting more and more to my liking with each passing year (after 12 years)
Four of my favorite foods:
- Pasta
- Cheesecake
- Steak
- Cherry cobbler
Four places I'd rather be right now:
- On a beach in Jamaica (assuming that "now" means "not during hurricane season")
- At a bookstore
- Hiking in the mountains
- Lying in bed snuggled up with my cats and hubby, taking a nap
I'm not going to tag anyone, but feel free to tag yourself if you need something to post about today.
Now I'm all hungry for Cheesecake. And cherry cobbler. mmmmmm.....
Posted by: Motherofbun | August 20, 2007 at 02:02 PM
One of my favorite foods is cheesecake, too! To be very, very specific - only the cheesecake that YOU make.
You've made me a cheesecake snob and it's quite embarrassing.
Posted by: cagey | August 20, 2007 at 04:53 PM
lol! those are great! I particularly like the one about the condo where the walls were so thin. yeah, I've lived in places like that too :-)
Posted by: Tish Grier | August 22, 2007 at 02:19 PM