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February 26, 2007



Jane, you mentioned Pan's Labrynth. Have you seen the SPanish movie of the same name.

Comes as quite a shock when like me, you were expecting something like the Chronicles of Narnia ! KP


That's a wicked cool pan, Jane.

Have you tried any of the silicon pans? You know, the super-flexible ones that are supposed to make removing things much easier? I've always been a little wary of spending money on those if they don't work well.


Not Velcro!!!!!!!! Good grief, woman, you're having some terrible cat luck these days.

I didn't watch the awards show b/c I don't think I've seen any of the movies nominated. I spent the last year avoiding movies, in fact. Maybe next year...


How was Reno 911? I've been wanting to see it.


I hope Velcro's going to be OK. You've already gone thru so much with your kitties.

I, too, really enjoyed Ellen's hosting of the Oscars.

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