It was SO wonderful to have a three-day weekend! I desperately needed the extra day to get things done, refocus and rest.
On Friday, I got up and went to a 6:15 a.m. yoga class. I was still quite sore from Wednesday's class, but I don't think I slacked off all that much. I can't stand the sight of myself in the mirrors and I don't remember sweating so profusely during class in the past, but otherwise it seems to be going well considering how many years it's been since I last attended classes regularly.
Later that morning, the dermatologist took a divot out of my upper arm to remove a mole that looked too dark and square for her liking. It stings a little now and then, but I think I'm going to make it.
I spent the rest of the day doing whatever I wanted to do. While I was driving around, I managed to compose the final lyrics to one of the songs I've been trying to complete for months. Woohoo!
I stopped by Costco and bought "Magical Thinking" by Augusten Burroughs to read while I was getting a pedicure and having my hair colored. It was hilarious and I highly recommend it. After I read Pajiba's review of the movie of Burroughs' "Running With Scissors," which said that the book was much better, I bought that book, too.
Speaking of being influenced by reviewers, I recently read "Television Without Pity: 752 Things We Love to Hate (and Hate to Love) about TV." One of the shows that the authors kept praising was "Clone High," an animated show I'd never heard of. After I finished the book, I ordered the first season of "Clone High" and received it last week. Hubby and I watched an episode before we went out on Saturday and it was just as entertaining as Wing Chun and Sars said it would be. It's definitely not for the kiddies, but quite funny!
When I wasn't reading, I spent my weekend getting costume accoutrements so my husband and I looked like proper goth folk on Saturday night. It was kind of fun to wear as much eye makeup as I could layer on. We went to two parties on Saturday and still made it home before midnight. We're very lame. I'm still wearing my black fingernail polish, just 'cause I can. I'll let it go after the last of the trick-or-treaters comes through tomorrow evening.
Today I'm ready to face my work projects with renewed vigor and pack the stuff in my office in preparation for next week's move to a new building. But first, another 6:15 a.m. yoga class...
Glad you are feeling renewed. I am at the end of the work day and I still hate facing Monday.
Posted by: AWE | October 30, 2006 at 02:49 PM
I'm still wearing my Halloween nail polish, too! Purple on some digits; gold on others. I realized later that those are actually the school colors for my old junior high. Appropriate, I guess, as junior high was a pretty scary time. (Think: Welcome to the Dollhouse.)
Posted by: Rozanne | October 30, 2006 at 07:22 PM
What?--no Halloween pics??
Posted by: Blondie | October 30, 2006 at 08:10 PM
AWE - Sorry to hear that. I hope your week gets better from here.
Rozanne - My junior high school colors were purple and silver. What is it with all the purple?
Blondie - Eh, I'm not much for posting people photos on my blog. If you really want to see what we looked like, I'll e-mail the photo to your sister and have her forward it to you!
Posted by: Jane | October 30, 2006 at 08:26 PM