I don't know that I actually accomplished very much this weekend, but the activity was non-stop nonetheless.
On Friday evening, we had a recording session and got a bit further with some of our songs. Our main problem right now is that the Mac Mini that's our main recording computer just isn't cutting it. As soon as my grandparents' estate is settled I'll be able to afford a better one, but in the meantime we're limping along between crashes. It's frustrating, but otherwise I think the band is gelling rather nicely.
I had an eye doctor appointment on Saturday morning, which made me regret the coffee I'd had at 11 o'clock the previous evening. My eyes were fine and I really just wanted a new prescription of the contact lenses I'm used to, but this doctor always wants me to try the newest ones on the market. It didn't work out at all well last time, but this year's model seems better so far.
That afternoon, I went to hang out with my sister and her kids. She was bored because my brother-in-law was out of town, so we ran around and did a little bit of shopping, then got my favorite carry-out Chinese food for dinner. After my niece and nephew went to bed, we drank pinot grigio, made ice cream sandwiches with the gingersnaps I'd bought at World Market, and watched comedy DVDs until we both got sleepy (which didn't take too long, in my case).
I decided to stay over, which was a good test of my new contact lenses as I had no choice but to sleep in them. In the morning, we all went to breakfast and I made it home before my husband woke up.
On Sunday, my husband and I finally went to see Who Killed the Electric Car? It was heartening to see that the theater was nearly full. I hope it's a sign that people are waking up to the way the government and corporations are working against the best interests of the citizenry. As we left the theater and got into my Honda Insight, we ended up having a fairly long conversation with the guy parked next to us (who, interestingly enough, worked on the production line at GM) about the hybrid car and the possibility of converting it to a plug-in hybrid.
After an evening spent mostly in front of the TV (we saw the season finale of "The 4400" but haven't gotten to "Deadwood" yet), I turned in early.
I predict that this week and next week are going to fly by.
Oooooh, you're into World Market Cost Plus...don't get me started on that place.
Baby when I finally finally settle down somewhere permanently, I'm buying ALL of my furniture there. And my dishes.
I have a coffee table from them and on occasion I have hugged it. Until the sharp corners jab into my face a little too hard and I have to let go.
Nice selection of wines, as well.
Posted by: monkey | August 28, 2006 at 11:31 AM
Monkey - I love World Market!!! I saw a sofa I really like that seems to pass the "will cat puke come off of this" test.
Usually I buy the gingersnaps if they have them, Twinings Green Tea with Jasmine (the British kind, which for some reason is cheaper than the American variety at the grocery store), Korean grape-flavored gummy candies and, of course, wine. The only reason I haven't furnished my house with their stuff is that my house was already furnished before they opened. However, I am due for new living room furniture soon...
Posted by: Jane | August 28, 2006 at 12:45 PM
I like their stuff because it's Pier 1/Bombay Company-esque but way cheaper.
I think I'm actually going to collect their stuff piece-by-piece.
I think my march archives might have a pic of the coffee table I purchased...I think it was like %175, 65% off on sale or something.
They had a pre-made table out front on heavy heavy discount because it was a floor model with a nick but someone snatched it up before I could get to it. I like the cream coloured couch and the brown leather club hairs.
The sales are really good, I probably wouldn't buy full price from them but my genes die hard. I don't buy full price for anything!
Posted by: monkey | August 28, 2006 at 01:01 PM
I love those thin gingersnaps!!! And they are the best with ice cream. If you want real decadence, make them into whipped cream sandwiches.
Posted by: Rozanne | August 28, 2006 at 05:28 PM