Thanks to my husband, we're the quintessential "early adopter" household when it comes to technology. Our TiVo dates back to when they first came on the market, but we still get a lot of value from it considering that it doesn't have all of the latest features. As busy as I've been lately, I'd never see any of my favorite TV shows if we didn't have the DVR.
I try to keep my show list to a minimum, but it's really easy for me to get hooked on something new. That's led me to make a new rule for HBO shows: wait for the DVDs to come out. That's why "Big Love" isn't on my list. I'm sure it's good, but I refuse to let myself get sucked into another show right now.
Here's my current list of favorites:
- Veronica Mars
- Scrubs
- Lost
- My Name is Earl
- The Office
- Ghost Whisperer
- The Sopranos
- The Daily Show (although sometimes I fall asleep before it's over)
I cannot WAIT until the new season of "Deadwood" starts and I'm excited that "Rome" is coming back for another season as well. Can you see how my HBO rule came about?
I also care a great deal for "MythBusters" on the Discovery Channel and I can spend an entire weekend afternoon on one of the show's marathons. I've recently discovered "Digging for the Truth" on the History Channel, which is distinguished by its hottie host who travels the world dressed a lot like Indiana Jones, and also the episode subjects, which are fresher than the usual re-hashed "In Search of..." topics a lot of shows seem to keep regurgitating.
When I look over my list, it's hard to believe I ever find the time to watch everything, especially since it seems as though I spend all evening surfing blogs. I guess I should be glad I don't have one of the new TiVos that lets you record two things at once. That would really cut into my leisure time!
Oh you've got some good addictions Jane. Sopranos is one of mine too.
And...I can hardly wait for Deadwood to that series and Ian McShane is "the man." Here's my other "must sees"...
Boston Legal(love Spader and Shatner...the best)
The Apprentice (but I think that's on it's way out...thank God)
American Idol (I never intended for that to happen)
ER (Still...after all these years)
West Wing (Boo's leaving for good in a couple of weeks)
Grey's Anatomy (love that show and Patrick Dempsey)
Desperate Housewives (but won't die if I miss it...not THAT desperate)
I think that's basically's enough.
Posted by: Joy | May 04, 2006 at 11:59 AM
Weeds is a great on Showtime (I believe the first season is out on DVD). I am surprised Rome is coming back. I gave up on that one. Deadwood, I like, but I hope there is more action this season.
Big Love has really grown on me (no pun intended, and probably none taken, but I like to cover all bases)
Posted by: The Misanthrope | May 04, 2006 at 01:06 PM
I haven't ventured into the Tivo market yet. I have been thinking about it.
How many shows do they usually hold?
Posted by: AWE | May 04, 2006 at 01:22 PM
AWE - Our TiVo will get pretty much all the shows on my list without threatening to delete the old ones before we've had a chance to watch them. I think they have much bigger hard drives now.
Posted by: Jane | May 04, 2006 at 02:04 PM
I'm jumping on the new trend that CBS has started: CBS On-Demand. I watch my weekly Survivor episode whenever the hell I want to (usually late at night when everything has quieted down). Yes, I have to watch it on my PC, but there's no commercials and the quality is really quite good. It's 99 cents per episode, so it's still cheap entertainment. The bummer is: I think Survivor is the only show they are doing with far.
Posted by: Goofy Girl | May 04, 2006 at 02:23 PM
Man do I LOVE my Tivo! What did I ever do before it? My life is defined by B.T. and A.T. How sad is that? Anyway...where does Joy live? We're going to have to start hanging out together because we watch 96% the same stuff!
Posted by: Pharmgirl | May 04, 2006 at 04:34 PM
No Tivo or DVR but ON Demand is my new best friend. I too, tried not to get hooked by another show and then along came WEEDS and Huff--Although, I liked Huff better last season.
My top 10--in no particular order: West Wing--(boo hoo), Sopranos, Weeds, The Wire, Grey's Anatomy, heck yea ER, Law & Order: SVU, Cold Case, Huff and Law & Order: Criminal Intent. Honorable mentions to The Closer and Big Love--I watch way too much TV--but I don't smoke or dri...well, I don't smoke.
Posted by: Deborah | May 05, 2006 at 09:59 AM
Yeah, I love my dual-receiver DVR. Now that I have a kid who is quite lively in the evenings, I wouldn't get to watch much TV otherwise. The Sopranos is the only show I watch somewhat "live" and even then, I am usually a good 20-30 minutes behind the actual broadcast.
Apparently, Veronica Mars is lagging in the ratings. If it doesn't get renewed, I am going to be FURIOUS. That's one of the best shows going.
Posted by: cagey | May 05, 2006 at 02:23 PM
Our favs are very similiar! Except, I don't get HBO, so no Sopranos for me. However, I would have add "Bones" to that list. I am loving that show. I had read all the books the show is "loosely" based on, so I was excited for it from the very beginning. But it's even better than I expected!
And I agree - thank god for DVRs!
Posted by: Sarah | May 07, 2006 at 11:49 PM